These general conditions apply to the services provided by the restaurant : any booking implies that the customer agrees to these conditions.
Only the specific clauses of agreements signed with the customer may supplement, specify, or even derogate from these terms of sale.
The prices are expressed in Ariary (MGA) including tax, with the value in Euros as an indication (according to the exchange rate on the day). They are understood to be per person for meal services.
For hiring the room for private events or catering services, prices vary according to the customer's personalised needs.
The applicable rates are those in effect at the time of booking. However, if a booking is made more than three months before the service date, MARAIS Restaurant reserves the right to update the prices applied.
It is up to the customer to assess whether the price suits them when booking. No dispute concerning the price of any service may subsequently be taken into consideration.
Any booking is taken into account and confirmed, except pursuant to Special Events in which a booking is effective and confirmed only after receipt of 30% of the service price as a deposit at least 72 hours before the date of the special service.
Failing receipt of the deposit and full collection thereof, the establishment does not confirm the booking nor guarantee the service.
To ensure quality service and best meet the customer's expectations, the latter must indicate their final choice at least three days before the service date. After this period, the restaurant cannot guarantee the service of certain dishes or wines on the menu.
The customer must confirm the final number of guests and their choices at the latest 48 hours before the service date.
The customer must confirm their booking at least 72 hours before the service date.
Pursuant to special events, given the limited number of places, the customer is required to meet the cancellation deadline, and in addition the deposit paid will not be refunded. Customers are therefore strongly advised to make sure of their choice for booking.
However, the restaurant is flexible if a cancellation is due to force majeure.
On the day of the service, guests must arrive at the restaurant at the agreed time. In the event of delay, the restaurant agrees to call the customer first and subsequently reserves the right to free up their booking if the delay lasts for over one hour.
No complaint about service procedure shall be admissible after the day thereof.
Every customer is supposed to be covered in advance by civil liability insurance for any damage caused by their guests during the course of the service, be it damage inflicted on other customers present or on restaurant property. They shall be solely liable for any loss, breakage and damage that may be caused by their guests on the property and equipment belonging to the restaurant or those provided to the customer for hire.
The restaurant disclaims any liability in the event of damage or theft of valuables, handbags, briefcases, clothes, etc. belonging to the guests. However, the restaurant shall assist the customer in the event of a theft perpetrated on the premises.
In the case of a booking with a predefined choice, the customer may pay the price of the service on booking by any means of payment that suits them among the methods proposed by the restaurant. Any extra orders shall be invoiced and payable at the end of the service.
The customer shall also have the option of paying in full on the day of the service.
The customer shall be liable for all the service provided.
The restaurant reserves the right to accept or refuse a voucher or vouchers that are only applicable to companies with which it has signed an agreement thereon.
Pursuant thereto, the entity initiating the voucher shall give the restaurant a voucher corresponding to the order. No change to such voucher shall be accepted without the restaurant management’s prior agreement all "extras" must be paid for on site on the day of the service.
Lalaina Ravelomanana, a self-taught Malagasy Chef fearing nothing and always ready to give his best. Madagascar’s most renowned Chef, a disciple of Auguste Escoffier who has already won 9 international awards, honoured by being the first African Chef inducted into the prestigious Académie Culinaire de France in 2010, has created from scratch an outstanding gourmet restaurant : Marais Restaurant
Learn moreOn 15 April 2019, Lalaina, flanked by Delphyne, Christophe and Alexandre, opened the Marais restaurant. Driven by the same attention to detail and excellence, and the same enthusiasm for ambitious challenges, they set up from scratch a gourmet restaurant that became the pride of Madagascar after only a few months. A unique place where French gourmet cooking meets the treasures of the Malagasy terroir. A human adventure where Lalaina has chosen to foster local producers and train the best cooks in outstanding cuisine. An open-kitchen restaurant with nothing to hide but everything to share. There’s no fuss with Chef Lalaina, just a taste for doing things well and raising Malagasy cuisine to an unprecedented level of excellence
Learn more
Œuf poché à l’espuma de truffes – Crémeux de Poireau fondu – Pétales de Canard
Capuccino de Butternut au Foie gras rôti – Ecume fumée – Pousses de Basilic
Ravioles de Champignons à la crème d’Ail noir – Crispy de Noix de Cajou au Pecorino
Pâté en croûte maison – Jus de Veau réduit – Mesclun du potager
Confit de Mérou à la Tomate séchée – Brunoises végétales – Emulsion relevée
Cassolette de Poulpe et Pomme de terre aux Péquillos – Risotto de Riz noir aux épices
Crispy de Crevettes au Panko – Mesclun du potager – Purée de Pomme gratinée
Pièces de filet de Zébu au beurre d’Ail noir – Aubergine fumée – Patate douce
Cari de Cochon boucané – Ragoût de gros Pois et Brède confite – Rougail Combava
Croustillant de gigot d’Agneau confit aux épices – Mousseline de Pomme de terre
Entremet Passion-Vanille – Crispy de meringue – Caramel au Citron vert
Espuma de Banane flambée – Crumble de pain d’épices – Fruits rouges
Duo de sorbet du jour – Nougatine de Noix de Cajou – Gelée aux Agrumes
Café Gourmand
Pièce de Foie gras rôti en ravioles imprimées
Crémeux de Chou-fleur aux poivres sauvages - Ecume et viennois aux Noix de Cajou
Bao au Ris de Veau, suprême de Volaille et Crevette « Label Rouge »
Confit d’Oignon au Teriyaki - Espuma de Champagne acidulé – Crispy aux épices
Soupe lutée feuilletée de Canard et pied de Bœuf
Ravioles de Fromage à la Truffe - Matignon de légumes mi-cuits
Cèpes, Girolles, Pleurotes, Shiitake au beurre demi-sel
Emulsion aux Œufs relevée aux condiments épicés - Tuile fleurie de Pecorino
Feuille en feuille de Noix de Saint-Jacques au caramel d’Agrumes
Crémeux de Poireau à la Vanille - Fumée instantanée aux grués de Cacao amer
Velouté de Potiron parfumé à la Truffe noire – Crumble de Chou-fleur
Croquant de Noix de Cajou parfumés à la Truffe
Dos de Mérou légèrement fumé au beurre d’Ail noir
Pomme Granny à l’huile citronnée - Hollandaise relevée aux branches de Céleri Crispy de Manioc et Poireau brûlé
Petits filets macérés cuits au plat aux Olives noires et graines d’Epinard Malabar
Beignet de Patate douce aux Câpres et aux Anchois
Feuille en feuille de Poulpe cuite à basse température
Crème de crustacés aux Brèdes mafana Raviolis de Champignons Shiitake et Noisettes torréfiées
Confit dans un beurre de Vanille – Emulsion de Pomme de terre au Parmesan
Crispy d’Algue Nori et Noix de Cajou
Paleron de Bœuf maturé au Gingembre - Voile de Riz noir aux Baies roses
Cromesquis de Riz soufflé – Condiment Potiron et Basilic
En deux-cuissons : la Poitrine confite et le longe en boucané craquant
Espuma de Brèdes Manioc - Mousseline de Racine à la Tomate séchée
Suprême de Canard rôti et laqué aux Poivres sauvages
Taro et Cacahuètes mijotés - Foie gras acidulé au caramel de Citron Combava
Rouleau de Pintade confite au praliné de Poivre vert
Crème fumée aux Champignons Shiitake – Potiron confit aux Olives
Croustillant à l’espuma de Pomme de terre au Parmesan et Brioche fumée
Mousseline et condiment de Chou-fleur au Beurre demi-sel
Bao aux Crevettes « Label Rouge » et crème de fumée
Menu en 5 services
Menu en 6 services
Menu en 5 services avec 2 verres de vins différents
Menu en 6 services
Menu en 6 services avec 3 verres de vins différents
Menu en 6 services avec 3 verres de vins différents
Feuillantine aux fruits de la Passion poivrés
Espuma et gelée aux graines de Vanille - Crème glacée aux Noisettes torréfiées
Frais et confit – Sorbet Basilic et Citron vert
Tuile croustillante au Safran – Caramel de Gingembre
Crêpe soufflée au crémeux de Chocolat et caramel Vanille – Soupçon de Citron
Crème épaisse à la Noisette et graines de Vanille
Crème légère au Rhum arrangé Pays – Sorbet Poire et Citron vert – Praliné aux Noix
Sauce amère au Chocolat intense
Mousseline de Chocolat au caramel beurre salé
Crispy iodé au Citron vert – Praliné de Noisettes au Pain de sucre
Liste des allergies
1 Crustacés – 2 Poissons – 3 Mollusques – 4 Œufs – 5 Lait – 6 Céréales – 7 Soja – 8
Arachides – 9 Sésames – 10 Fruits à coque – 11 Céleri – 12 Moutarde – 13 Lupin – 14 Ananas – 15 Miel – 16 Pin
Côtes de Bordeaux
Bordeaux Supérieur
Castillon - Côte de Bordeaux
Côtes de Bordeaux Castillon
Lussac St Emilion - Maison Le Star
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
Saint-Émilion - Famille Bouärd de Laforest
Saint-Emilion Grand Cru
Grand Vin de Pomerol
Grand Vin de Pomerol
Grand Vin de Pomerol
Domaine Rebourgeon-Mure
Saint-Émilion Grand Cru
Saint-Julien - Duluc de Branaire-Ducru
Pessac Léognan
Pessac Léognan
Domaine Bailly-Lapierre
Maison Chanzy
Maison Chanzy
Domaine Rebourgeon - Mure
Domaine Rebourgeon - Mure
Domaine Jean Philippe Guillot
Jean Loron Bio
Héritiers Loron
Domaine Saint-Pourçain
Domaine Delanoue Frères
Cave Robert et Marcel
Les Champs Clos
Guilhem, Moulin de Gassac
Domaine V.Guibert de la Vaissière
Cave de Tain
Parallèle 45 - Domaine Paul Jaboulet Aîné
Etienne Guigal
Château Mont-Redon
Cave de tain
Domaine Coyeux
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Le Cellier des Princes
Château Mont-Redon
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Sélection Terroirs , Cave de Tain
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Domaine Le Prieuré des Papes
Seigneur de Maugiron, Domaine Delas
Les Vins de Vienne
Domaine Joseph Mellot
Cave des Vignerons de Chablis
Cave des Vignerons de Buxy
Collection Privée, Cave de Jean Victor Senner
Collection Privée, Maison Kuehn
Collection Privée, Cave de Jean Victor Senner
Maison Kuehn
Domaine Joseph Mellot
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Domaine Clarence Dillon
St Emilion Grand cru - Domaine Jacquet
Pinot-noir, Maison Nuiton Beaunoy
Domaine Jean Guiton
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Saint-Estèphe - Maison Baron Velge
Saint-Emilion Grand Cru
Clos de l’Oratoire des Papes
Ligne de Crête, Lieu-dit 1er Opus de la Maison Delas
Château de la Noé
Château de la Noé
Clin D’Œil - Cave Robert & Marcel
Pouilly sur Loire
Château D’Epiré
Domaine Lebrun
Les Champs les Clos
Cave de Tain
Parallèle 45, Domaine Jaboulet
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Château des Fines Roches
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Cave de Tain
Cave de Tain
Clos de l’Oratoire
Beret Blanc, Plaimont
Guilhem - Moulin de Gassac
Domaine V.Guibert de la Vaissière
Domaine Doudet-Naudin
Côteaux Bourguignons, Maison Jean Loron
Chardonnay, Domaine Dupré, Leboeuf, Touzot,Dubois et Raguillet
Les Ombrelles, Domaine Jean Loron
La Cave des Vignerons de Chablis
Domaine Jean Marc Brocard
Joseph Drouhin
Domaine de la Bressande
Sauvignon blanc, Domaine Mähler-Besse
Domaine Monbazillac - Sud-Ouest
Sauternes - Domaine Clos du Ciron
Château Coutet, Premier Cru Classé
Château Climens, Premier cru Classé
Les Vignerons de Buzet
Guilhem, Moulin de Gassac
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Domaine Etienne Guigal
Côteaux d’Aix-en-Provence
M de Minuty, Château Minuty
Château Romassan Domaines OTT
Confidentielle - Domaine Saint André de la Figuière
Schweppes - Fresh thyme syrup - Lime - Crushed ice - Raspberry jelly
Passionfruit juice - Tonka bean syrup - Orange wedge - Fresh mint - Crushed ice
Cucumber coulis - Ginger syrup - Lime - Basil leaf - Crushed ice
Squeezed orange juice - Crushed ice - Pineapple basil sorbet - Rosemary - Cristal
Pineapple juice - Lemongrass syrup - Ice mint - Coconut cream
Banana puree - Lime - Milk - Basil - Crushed ice - Candied ginger
Whisky - Pink pepper and makrut lime syrup - Lime - Crushed ice - Lemon jelly
Vodka - Citrus jelly - Crushed ice - Lemon caramel - Rosemary sprig
Whisky - Chocolate vodka - Mint chocolate syrup - Ice cube - Cocoa nibs smoke
Campari - Lavender syrup - Lime - Schweppes - Crushed ice
Amber rum - Caramel tiramisu - Lime - Crushed ice - Laurel
Cognac - Ginger syrup - Coffee liqueur - Rosewood smoke